When does Comrade Marxyzptlk Show Up?; Patriot A.I.M.s; A Buzz-worthy Book; Batman v. White Walkers; Panelology Crossover Workshop; Sitting in a Tree, T-H-W-I-P-P-I-N-G; A REAL Sword; Tyger, Tyger Flying Bright; IISG: Sartorial Capote-ness; Ides of March Solicitations; LBCBR: Crocodile Rock
(Superman #13 - 9:30, U.S.Avengers #1 - 16:17, Unstoppable Wasp #1 - 19:42, All-Star Batman #6 - 26:00, Justice League / Power Rangers #1 - 28:33, Spider-Man #16 - 34:02, God Country #1 - 36:36, Rift #1 - 39:25, Is It Still Good? - 44:40, March 2017 Solicitations - 1:01:16, LBCBR: House of Mystery #219 - 1:36:51)
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